Rabu, 27 April 2011

Corel Draw adalah editor grafik vektor yang dibuat oleh Corel, sebuah perusahaan perangkat lunak yang bermarkas di Ottawa, Kanada. Versi terakhirnya versi 15 yang dinamai X5 dirilis pada tanggal 23 Februari 2008. Corel Draw pada awalnya dikembangkan untuk dijalankan pada sistem operasi Windows 2000 dan yang lebih baru. Versi Corel Draw untuk Linux dan Mac OS pernah dikembangkan, tetapi dihentikan karena tingkat penjualannya rendah. Versi CorelDRAW X5 memiliki tampilan baru serta beberapa aplikasi baru yang tidak ada pada CorelDRAW versi sebelumnya. Beberapa aplikasi terbaru yang ada, di antaranya Quick Start, Table, Smart Drawing Tool, Save as Template, dan lain sebagainya.

Fasilitas Dasar CorelDRAW

[sunting] Quick Start

Pertama kali perangkat lunak CorelDRAW diaktifkan, sistem akan menampilkan kotak dialog welcome. Pada kotak dialog ini, lembar proses yang yang dapat diaktifkan, yaitu:
  • quick start: aplikasi ini dapat membantu untuk mempermudah mempersiapkan ruang perancangan grafis baru atau pengubahan rancangan grafis yang pernah dibuat sebelumnya.
  • what’s new: aplikasi yang menginformasikan fasilitas baru yang disediakan pada perangkat lunak CorelDRAW X4.
  • learning tools: alat yang mempermudah pemakai perangkat lunak CorelDRAW mempelajari fasilitas yang disediakan.
  • galeri: galeri digunakan untuk mengunjungi situs komunitas pemakai CorelDRAW. Pada situs tersebut terdapat berbagai rancangan grafis profesional yang menggunakan perangkat lunak CorelDRAW.
  • updates: aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengunjungi situs resmi perangkat lunak CorelDRAW untuk berbagai keperluan. Salah satunya, yaitu untuk memperbarui model sistem CorelDRAW.

[sunting] Hints

Hints berada pada sisi kanan kotak dialog utama sistem. Fasilitas ini memberikan petunjuk apa dan bagaimana memproses suatu objek gambar/teks.

[sunting] Menu Bar

Menu Bar berada pada bagian atas kotak dialog utama sistem. Sistem menu CorelDRAW X4 menggunakan standar sistem operasi Windows yang sangat memudahkan pemakaian.

[sunting] Standard Toolbar

Standard toolbar terletak di bawah menu bar. Pada standard toolbar, sistem meletakkan simbol proses cepat. Misalnya terdapat simbol seperti folder untuk membuka suatu data grafis CorelDRAW.

[sunting] Property Bar

Property bar adalah fasilitas tambahan yang muncul setelah memilih salah satu alat dalam fasilitas toolbox. Tujuannya untuk mempermudah pemakaian alat fasilitas toolbox terpilih. Property bar biasanya berada di bawah standard toolbar.

[sunting] Toolbox

Toolbox biasanya terletak di bagian paling kiri. Sistem meletakkan sebagim memberi tanda lipatan pada sisi kanan bawah alat fasilitas toolbox yang memiliki subalat. Untuk menampilkan daftar subalat tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan mengklik dan menahan simbol alat yang bersangkutan.Jika kita masuk ke corel nanti error tak usa h diulangulang masuk-masuk terus,biar error toolbok,toolbar aneh tak seperti biasanya

[sunting] Status Bar

Sistem meletakkan berbagai informasi pada baris status yang terdapat pada sisi bawah kotak dialog utama. Informasi tersebut berkenaan dengan objek gambar/teks dan/atau alat proses terpilih.

[sunting] Color Palette

Color palette atau kotak warna terletak di bagian paling kanan kotak dialog utama. Untuk memberi warna pada objek gambar/teks cukup melakukan klik seperti biasa. Sedangkan untuk memberi warna garis, klik kanan pada warna yang dipilih dalam kotak warna.

[sunting] Dialog Box

Sistem CorelDRAW akan meletakkan sejumlah pilihan proses dari fasilitas yang komplek pada suatu kotak dialog. Fasilitas yang bersangkutan dapat diatur melalui kotak dialog tersebut. Misalnya, pengubahan format objek gambar dari vektor ke bitmap melalui menu bitmaps submenu convert to bitmap.

[sunting] Docker

Sistem meletakkan sejumlah kotak dialog fasilitas yang (dianggap) sering digunakan dalam bentuk tetap pada sisi kanan kotak dialog. Format tersebut disebut dengan docker. Fasilitas ini dapar ditampilkan melalui menu window submenu docker.

[sunting] Fixed/Floating Toolbar

Salah satu keistimewaan dari sistem CorelDRAW X4, yaitu fasilitas toolbox kotak warna, menu bar, standard toolbar, dan/atau property bar yang dapat digeser dan ditempatkan di sembarang lokasi. [1]

[sunting] Operasi Dasar

[sunting] Objek Garis

Pada sistem CorelDRAW X4, objek garis dapat dibentuk melalui curve tool yang ada pada fasilitas toolbox. Adapun subalat pada fasilitas curve tool berupa:
  • freehand tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk beragam garis lurus atau garis yang tidak beraturan.
  • bezier tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk beragam garis lurus dan garis yang tidak beraturan secara bersamaan.
  • artistic media tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk berbagai objek garis artistik. Dalam menentukan bentuk garis artistik tersebut, gunakan simbol yang ada di sisi kiri fasilitas property bar, lalu tentukan spesifikasi konfigurasinya pada sisi kanannya.
  • pen tool: pemakaian pen tool hampir serupa dengan pemakaian bezier tool.
  • polyline tool: pemakaian polyline tool hampir sama dengan freehand tool.
  • 3 point curve tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk garis melingkar dengan mudah dan cepat.
  • connector tool: alat ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan beberapa objek gambar. Misalnya, membentuk garis penghubung alur diagram.
  • dimension tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk garis dimensi vertikal, horizontal, diagonal, dan sebagainya. Untuk membentuk garis dimensi horizontal/vertikal secara otomatis, gunakan simbol auto aimension tool yang terdapat di sisi kiri fasilitas property bar ketika alat ini aktif.

[sunting] Objek Gambar

Di dalam CorelDRAW, berbagai bentuk objek gambar dapat dibuat. Berikut ini merupakan fasilitas toolbox yang berguna membentuk berbagai objek gambar:
  • rectangle tool: alat ini dapat digunakan untuk membentuk objek persegi panjang atau persegi.
  • ellipse tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk objek lingkaran/elips.
  • object tool: alat ini dapat mempermudah/mempercepat proses pembentukan objek poligon, bintang, spiral, dan tabel.
  • perfect shape tool: alat ini digunakan untuk membentuk berbagai objek gambar spesifik secara mudah dan cepat. Misalnya, objek jajar genjang, balon, simbol diagram alur, panah, dan lain sebagainya.
  • table tool: alat ini dapat digunakan untuk membuat tabel dalam format persegi atau persegi panjang. Tabel ini tidak hanya dapat dimasukkan tulisan/teks, tetapi dapat juga dimasukkan gambar ke dalamnya. Alat ini bisa digunakan untuk membuat kartu pos, brosur, dan lain-lain.

[sunting] Smart Drawing

Menggambar pintar adalah aplikasi baru yang ada pada CorelDRAW X4. Smart drawing tool yang ada pada smart tool dapat digunakan untuk membentuk objek gambar dari sketsanya.

[sunting] Objek Teks

Objek teks merupakan unsur yang paling sering digunakan pada rancangan grafis. Ada yang membuatnya sebagai logo, teks artistik, bahkan mengubah objek teks menjadi objek gambar.
Objek teks dapat dibuat melalui text tool yang terdapat pada toolbox. Setelah itu, objek teks dapat diproses melalui pick tools. Objek teks dapat diproses sehingga membentuk bayangan, menjadi format 3D, dan lain-lain.

[sunting] Objek 2D Menjadi 3D

CorelDRAW X4 memiliki fasilitas untuk mengubah objek taks/gambar 2D menjadi 3D. Fasilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk membentuk objek 2D menjadi 3D adalah sebagai berikut:
  • extrude: pada fasilitas toolbox terdapat interactive extrude tool di dalam interactive effects tool. Setelah diaktifkan, format 3D dapat diatur melalui bagian presets yang ada pada fasilitas property bar.
  • bevel: bevel merupakan subalat untuk membentuk sudut dari suatu objek gambar/teks. Bevel akan muncul dalam property bar setelah mengaktifkan interactive extrude tool.
  • contour: fasilitas contour di dalam CorelDRAW X4 disediakan untuk membuat salinan dari suatu objek gambar/teks ke bagian dalam/luarnya. Contour dapat digunakan untuk menimbulkan efek 3D dari suatu objek gambar/teks dengan cara mengubah warna sisinya.
  • gradasi warna: gradasi warna dapat dibentuk menggunakan fill tool, interactive fill tool, atau mesh fill.
  • efek bayangan: CorelDRAW menyediakan interactive drop shadow yang merupakan subalat dari interactive effects tool untuk membuat efek bayangan dari objek gambar/teks.

[sunting] Warna

Pilihan warna terdapat dalam kotak warna. Namun, ada beberapa cara untuk memberi warna pada objek gambar/teks, yaitu sebagai berikut:
  • fill & outline: pada fasilitas toolbox, sistem menyediakan fill tool untuk mengatur isi objek gambar/teks. Sedangkan untuk mengatur garis pembentuknya, sistem menyediakan outline tool.
  • eyedropper & paintbucket tool: eyedropper tool digunakan untuk mengambil spesifikasi warna atau atribut (properti, transformasi, dan efek) suatu objek gambar/teks. Setelah itu, gunakan paintbucket tool untuk menyalin data tersebut pada objek gambar/teks lainnya.
  • smart fill: smart fill tool dapat mengisi warna pada sembarang bidang tertutup. Misalnya pada perpotongan suatu objek tertentu.

[sunting] Objek Artistik

Objek artistik dapat berupa teks atau gambar. Dengan menggunakan alat tertentu, suatu objek teks/gambar dapat terlihat berbeda dari biasa. Objek artistik terdiri dari:
  • garis artistik (Objek Teks): teks yang artistik dapat dibuat melalui artistic media tool yang ada pada toolbox. Teks apapun dapat dibuat karena penggunaanya seperti menggambar atau menulis dengan bolpoin.
  • garis artistik (objek gambar): gambar artistik yang dihasilkan melalui artistic media tool adalah seperti sketsa gambar. Penggunaannya sama dengan membuat garis artistik untuk objek teks.
  • efek distorsi: CorelDRAW menyediakan interactive distort tool di dalam interactive effects tool. Efek distorsi dapat diaplikasikan untuk objek gambar/teks sehingga dapat terlihat lebih artistik.
  • smudge brush (objek baru): melalui smudge brush tool, suatu sisi objek gambar dapat ditarik sehingga akan membentuk gambar yang baru sesuai dengan keinginan. Subalat ini dapat diakses melalui shape edit tool.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Star

Sailing Dates:

Norwegian Star
Norwegian Star
Some like it hot and some like it cool - which is why Norwegian Star cruises to the Mexican Riviera and Alaska. And starting in 2011 she'll be sailing from Tampa to the Caribbean. On board she features 13 delicious dining options, 9 bars and lounges, a sprawling spa, an always-exciting casino, plus tons of fun for kids of every age. So whether it's sipping margaritas, exploring Mayan ruins or mushing a dog sled, this ship offers it all.
Norwegian Star Highlights
  • Win Big at the Star Club Casino, Let it Ride, Caribbean Stud Poker, craps & blackjack
  • Watch the sun go down from 14 decks above the ocean at the open-air Bier Garten.
  • Our 6,694 sq ft Garden Villas have 3-bedrooms, private garden, hot tub and more.

Norwegian Star Facts
  • Date Launched: 11/19/2001
  • Registry: Panama
  • Officers: Norwegian
  • Crew: International
  • Complement: 1100
  • Gross Tons: 91000.0
  • Length (ft.): 971
  • Beam (ft.): 107
  • Stability Rating: Excellent
  • Dinner Seating: 1
  • Cuisine: Continental and International
  • Dress Code: Resort Casual
  • Room Service: Yes
  • Outdoor Pools: 1
  • Indoor Pools: 1
  • Jacuzzis: 4
  • Fitness Center: Yes
  • Spa: Yes
  • Beauty Salon: Yes
  • Showroom: Yes
  • Bars/Lounges: 9
  • Casino: Yes
  • Shops: Yes
  • Library: Yes
  • Child Program: Yes
  • Self-service Laundry: No
Tie your hair back, get comfortable, and dive into the ongoing excitement head first. The staff of Norwegian Star dare you to avoid having the most ultimate cruising experience ever. Our activities aboard this ship are more vast that the seas that you'll cruise through. You're guarantee to be satisfied to the utmost of our ability and whichever endeavor you're planning on taking part in.
  • Variety of daily activities led by cruise staff
  • Port & shopping lectures and shore excursions
  • Atrium gift shop & 20,000 sq. ft department store for duty-free shopping, jewelry, souvenirs, and logo items
  • Wine Cellar offers wine tastings, displays and sales
  • Photo Gallery and Photo Shop for cruise photos, film and developing
  • 1 outdoor & 1 indoor swimming pool & whirlpools for total relaxation
  • Kid's Water World pool area with space age theme
  • Deck sports include volleyball, basketball, golf driving range, batting cage, shuffleboard, jogging track
  • Full service Barong Spa includes extensive fitness center, indoor pool, aerobics, sauna & steam rooms and beauty parlor
  • Conference Center has main boardroom and 4 meeting rooms
  • Library for quiet reading
  • Card Room for cards, games & puzzles
  • Wedding Chapel for weddings or vow renewals
  • Internet Cafe allows guests to go online and email
  • Kid's Korner,Children's program, and Child Care & Nursery

Prepare you're taste buds and appetites for the world-renown cuisines and pastries like no other. Are you ready? It doesn't matter whether you're in the mood for the casual atmosphere of a Cafe or the formal scene of a restaurant. Which ever the dining preference you prefer, you'll find exactly what you're looking for aboard Norwegian's Norwegian Star. If you acquire a sweet tooth that has a craving for some type of sweets, you'll find pleasurable accommodations.
  • Aqua & Versailles Restaurants serve sit-down breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Market Cafe offers informal breakfast, lunch and snacks with food action stations
  • Kid's Cafe serve pint-sized portions for the little ones
  • Intimate Le Bistro offering French & Mediterranean cuisine, table-side cooking
  • The Soho Room offers California, Hawaiian, and Asian fusion cuisine
  • Giza Restaurant with sushi & tempura bar & teppanyaki room
  • Blue Lagoon is a 24-hour, food court style eatery featuring hamburgers, fish & chips, pot pies & wok fast dishes
  • La Trattoria offers pastas, pizzas, and other popular Italian fare
  • Las Ramblas Tapas Bar & Restaurant offers authentic Spanish tapas
  • Endless Summer Hawaiian Restaurant incorporates a performance stage and large movie screen
  • Ice Cream Bar has sundaes & sweet treats
  • Pool Grill area offers barbecue dishes
  • Bier Garten offers cocktails & refreshing drinks

After a long exciting day jammed packed with activities and scrumptious dining you're probably beyond tired, but I dare you to sleep. The fun has just begun and there are any limits to the abundance of entertainment contained on this ship. You are guaranteed to find either a Lounge or Bar with the ideal atmosphere that you've been looking for.
  • Stardust Theatre soars three decks with European opera house ambiance and full production shows
  • Dazzles Lounge offers cabaret shows, dancing and also functions as a disco
  • Gatsby's Champagne Bar offers fine champagnes by the glass
  • Havana Club offers hand-rolled premium cigars, humidor, fine cognac served in warm glasses, malt whiskey and relaxed seating
  • The Red Lion English Pub offers darts, pints, pool, and large screen TV for sports broadcasts
  • Java Cafe offers majestic atrium views, offers specialty coffees and pastries
  • Circus-themed Karaoke Bar include 6 private rooms
  • Spinnakers Observation Lounge with live music and dance floor
Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Pearl
Staterooms | Deck Plans | Visual Tour: Norwegian Pearl

Sailing Dates:

Norwegian Pearl

Freedom! We've found our pearl.

Chances are you'll treasure everything about the award winning Norwegian Pearl. She's brand new and full of exciting options, making your vacation just that - yours. Onboard, you'll find 12 unique places to eat and 11 exciting bars and lounges where you can just hang. There's even a bowling alley (a cruise industry first!) and rock climbing wall onboard. Head out to Alaska or the Caribbean and you'll choose from an impressive array of accommodations from the ultra luxurious Garden and Courtyard Villas to family-friendly connecting staterooms and suites. Finally, a vacation where you're free to whatever.

Norwegian Pearl Facts

* Entered Service: December 2006
* Length: 965 feet
* Beam: 106 feet
* Draft: 27 feet
* Maximum Speed: 25 knots
* Gross Tonnage: 93,502
* Engine: Diesel Electric
* Guest Capacity: 2,466 (double occupancy)
* Crew Capacity: 1,010

Ship's Highlights

Norwegian Pearl Highlights

* Check out the hip new Bliss Ultra Lounge, a bowling alley/sports bar/night club complex where you'll want to hang out.
* Choose from Asian dishes at Lotus Garden, tapas at Mambos, French at Le Bistro, steak at Cagney's and so much more.
* Our Courtyard Villas, located on exclusive Deck 14, share a private-access courtyard with pool, hot tub, exercise room, sundeck, cabanas, and more.
* Two Garden Villas, each containing up to 5,000 sq ft of space, may entice you with three separate bedrooms, private garden with hot tub, and access to a private courtyard with pool.
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Royal Caribbean International

Mariner Of The Seas

Sailing Dates:

Mariner Of The Seas
Guests on Mariner of the Seas experience one of the most exciting cruise ships ever built. With a total length of 1,020 feet, a weight of 138,000 tons and a capacity to hold 3,114 passengers, Mariner of the Seas has something for everyone. Part of the Voyager family of cruise ships, which represents the highest public space-per-guest ratio in the cruise market, this spectacular ship was designed with enhanced staterooms, expanded dining options and state-of-the-art recreational facilities like a rock-climbing wall, ice-skating rink and basketball court.

Mariner Of The Seas Facts
  • Maiden Voyage: November 16, 2003
  • Passenger Capacity: 3,114
  • Godmother: Jean Driscoll
  • Gross Tonnage: 138,000
  • Length: 1020'
  • Max Beam: 157.5'
  • Draft: 29'
  • Cruising Speed: 22 knots
The first three "main" dining rooms are on three different levels. In addition there are also two small side dining rooms, one port side, one starboard side off the Carmen Dining Room on deck 3. These are called the Granada Dining Room and the Seville Dining Room and have a capacity of 58 seats each. They will be used when the ship is sailing at maximum capacity or for small group functions.
  • Carmen Dining Room
  • La Boheme Dining Room
  • Magic Flute Dining Room
  • Windjammer Cafe - All day casual dining.
  • Portofino Restaurant - Italian cuisine in a romantic atmosphere. $5 / guest cover charge including gratuity. By (telephone) reservation onboard ship only.
  • Johnny Rockets Diner - Casual 50's style diner with inside and outside seating.
  • Cafe Promenade - Serves coffee, pastries, light snacks
  • Island Grill - Alternative casual dining menu
  • Midnight Delights - One Gala Buffet will be served during each cruise around midnight.

  • La Scala Theater - Spans 5 decks. Equipped with an orchestra pit. Capacity 1,348 (plus 14 disabled).
  • Studio B entertainment complex (decks 2 & 3) - converts to television studio, ice skating rink, concert stadium, or trade show venue
  • Spinners gaming arcade (deck 5) - World's largest interactive roulette wheel (US marketing statistic).
  • Casino Royale (deck 4) - Blackjack, craps, roulette, electronic slot machines, video poker.
  • English Style Pub (deck 5)
  • Scoreboard sports bar (deck 5)
  • Connoisseur Club cigar club (deck 5)
  • The Vault night-club (decks 3 and 4)
  • Schooner Bar (deck 4)
  • Champagne Bar (deck 5)
  • Concierge Club (deck 9) - Club facilities offered exclusively to guests in Category B cabins and up (a total of 38 cabins, approx 100 guests)
  • Aquarium Bar (deck 4) - Several tanks together containing 56 tons of saltwater and many colourful tropical fish.
  • Cleopatra's Needle dancing lounge (deck 5)
  • High Notes jazz club
  • 19th Hole golf bar

If you've been in search of the ideal cruise to board for your much needed and deserved vacation, look no further. Tie your hair back, kick off your shoes, relax, and enjoy your cruising experience aboard Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas. You're guaranteed to remains completely occupied by our plethora of activity possibilities for your enjoyment.
  • ShipShape Spa Treatment Rooms (deck 12)
  • ShipShape Fitness Center (deck 11)
  • Aerobics Area (deck 11)
  • Hair Salon
  • Jogging Track (deck 12)
  • Swimming Pools (deck 11)
  • Rock Climbing Wall (deck 13)
  • Sports Court (deck 13)
  • Center Ice (at Studio B) ice skating rink (deck 2)
  • In-line skating (deck 13)
  • Golf Simulator (deck 13)
  • Golf Hitting Cage (deck 13)
  • Voyager Dunes golf putting green (deck 13)
Silversea Cruises

Silversea Cruises

Silversea's all-inclusive ultra-luxury vacations appeal to discriminating travelers accustomed to plush accommodations and attentive, individual service. Distinguished by its award-winning all-suite ships and impeccable service, Silversea's all-inclusive fares include round-trip airfare, pre-cruise deluxe hotel stay, all beverages including select wines and spirits, gratuities, port charges, transfers, and a special shoreside event, The Silversea Experience, on select sailings.

Your journey begins with a ceremonious white-gloved greeting. A flute of chilled Moet & Chandon, the official champagne of Silversea.

There are no staterooms here, only suites. Each features a marbled bath and walk-in closet. A cocktail cabinet is continuously stocked with your preferences. Luxury is found in every detail. Cut crystal. Crisp linens and plush bathrobes. Personalized stationery. Bvlgari soap, shampoo and lotions.

The art of fine dining is perfected in the ship's open-sitting restaurant, where Le Cordon Bleu signature dishes are served on Silversea signature china, with Christofle silverware and Frette linens.

Your days and evenings are filled with idyllic indulgences. A soothing massage after an invigorating jog. A dozen laps, then a lazy cat nap. Fine conversations, genteel laughter and the soft sounds of live music. Deep sofas, Davidoff cigars, and fine cognacs. This is luxury, well spent.

Silversea offers far-reaching and imaginative itineraries to the Mediterranean, Northern Europe and the Baltic, Africa and exotic Asia, the Far East, South Pacific, South America, the Mexican Riviera, and the dramatic coastline of Canada and New England.
Silversea Cruises Fleet:

Seabourn Cruise Line

Seabourn Cruise Line is the world's most celebrated cruise line. In the decade since its founding, the line's three ultra-luxury ships have consistently ranked among the very best vacation experiences in surveys, polls and the annual honors lists of international guidebooks and travel critics.

The Seabourn Pride, Spirit and Legend are all-suite mega-yachts that welcome 208 guests with the utmost grace and style. An unprecedented ratio of European-trained staff to guests assures the most attentive, professional service. Award-winning cuisine is prepared a la minute and served in your ship's open-seating restaurant, as well as in more casual venues throughout the ship, or even in the privacy of your own suite, course by course.

Seabourn's itineraries circle the globe, providing exceptional travel experiences in Asia, the Americas, Europe and Scandinavia, the Mediterranean, Africa, India and the Red Sea. These are complemented by included and optional land extensions, exclusive custom-designed shore excursions and renowned guest lecturers and personalities.

The Seabourn Experience is for those who expect the best. If you believe that an extraordinary travel experience is priceless; Seabourn is for you.
Seabourn Cruise Line Fleet:

Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
Royal Caribbean Cruises Royal Caribbean Cruises Royal Caribbean Cruises
Where in the world would you like to go? Royal Caribbean cruises sail to the sunny Caribbean, enchanting Bermuda, rugged Alaska, festive Mexico, tropical Hawaii, Colonial Canada & New England, legendary Panama, historic Europe, and exotic Asia. More>>
 Royal Caribbean Cruise Ships
Allure of the Seas
Adventure of the Seas
Brilliance of the Seas
Enchantment of Seas
Explorer of the Seas
Freedom of the Seas
Grandeur of the Seas
Independence of Seas
Jewel of the Seas
Legend of the Seas
Liberty of the Seas
Majesty of the Seas
Mariner of the Seas
Monarch of the Seas
Navigator of the Seas
Oasis of the Seas
Radiance of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Serenade of the Seas
Splendour of the Seas
Vision of the Seas
Voyager of the Seas
Regent Cruises
Regent Seven Seas Cruises Regent Seven Seas Cruises Regent Seven Seas Cruises
Regent Seven Seas Cruises (formerly Radisson Seven Seas) is the fourth largest luxury line, operating and marketing the six-star ships the Regent Seven Seas Mariner, the Regent Seven Seas Navigator, the Paul Gauguin, which entered service in January 1998 as the most deluxe cruise ship ever based in Tahiti and French Polynesia year-round, and the Regent Seven Seas Voyager, the newest addition to the fleet. More>>
 Regent Seven Seas Cruise Ships
Regent Seven Seas Mariner
Regent Seven Seas Navigator
Regent Seven Seas Voyager